If you took the southeast route, head east, and west if you took the north route. This time, your option is east or west and will be determined by which route you took previously. Head North through the large room you run into until you reach another fork. Here, the southeast and north routes converge. As the names suggest, one of these routes is better for characters with high Agility and the other is better for tanky characters. There are two ways to reach Kruk in the dungeon, those being the Agility Run and the Tank Run. Head back down the hill and you'll be able to see footprints that lead to a trapdoor hidden in grass. Speaking to this Monkey Archer will give some clues on Kruk's whereabouts. Garkor will tell you that you should go kill Kruk as you can make a new Greegree from his body.įrom here, head to the hill west of the Main Gate and find the Monkey Archer with a Talk option. Awowogei will very unhelpfully tell you that he will only speak to Kruk, requiring you to turn right back around and talk to Garkor again. He will tell you to speak to King Awowogei, so head inside of the temple to talk to him. Using the Fairy Ring located in the area, teleport to Ape Atoll and immediately equip the Ninja Monkey Greegree before seeking out Garkor, who can be found on the Eastern side of the island outside of the Temple of Marimbo. He will tell you that Assistant Le Smith helped Glough escape, which checks out as Le Smith was a major antagonist in Monkey Madness One.

Finally, the note will be readable, so hand it to him. She will do so, transforming it into a translated note and allowing you to once again head back to Narnode. Head back to Anita's House and ask her to translate the note for you.

He will tell you to go back to Anita for a translation, as he can see she is the one who wrote it. Head back to King Narnode to ask him if he can translate the scrawled note. If you don't have one, head back to King Narnode and ask for one.